Pet Products 🌿🐾


🌿Vikings loved their fur babies and so do we, so here is an a new product – a shampoo bar for your pet🌿

🌿 An Ode to fur babies 🌿🐾

It includes

Aloe Vera – Many pet owners have found that aloe vera is very beneficial for skin problems, including flea bites and allergies. It also helps to soothe sore or dry skin.

Neem oil – Neem oil is naturally antifungal, antiseptic, and antibacterial, which makes it extremely beneficial for the overall health of your pet, A natural way to repel and kill, Ticks, fleas and mites

Lemongrass – bursting with vitamins, and minerals that can boost immune systems, anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and skin conditions, natural way to repel, ticks and fleas

Bog myrtle- contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.
Bog Myrtle helps relax the nerves and can helps pets with anxiety.

This bar is small but packs a mighty punch a little goes a long way .



Soft silicone scrubber, easy hold handle , with lid to add your shampoo or soap to help wash your pet



Great for getting out matted or tangled hair, great for helping increase circulation. Can be used in all hair types, can be used on cats dogs horses and rabbits.
